We’re not just getting you a Commercial Drivers License. We’re assisting in getting you a job, an opportunity to better your career and your life.

Training you to get your CDL is only our first goal - finding you a job is our ultimate goal. At Smith & Solomon, we have a dedicated placement department whose sole purpose is to find you a job. They are in constant contact with recruiters from major trucking companies updating job lists on a weekly basis and inviting those recruiters to our locations regularly. We have been successful in assisting many students with starting their CDL careers.

Why become a truck driver?

  • Job opportunities are expected to grow through 2026
  • Growth is faster than the average for all other occupations
  • 312,500 jobs from 2016 - 2026
  • Most freight in the U.S. is moved by trucks
  • As the economy grows, more truck drivers will be needed to keep up with increasing demand for products
  • The job cannot be outsourced Entry-level truck drivers are often "pre-hired" before beginning their driver training
  • Many trucking companies offer benefits such as insurance, retirement plans, paid vacations and safety bonuses
  • In a matter of weeks, you can be trained and placed in a new career as a professional truck driver

*U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics


The Smith & Solomon Difference: We are committed to helping you find a job.

  • Dedicated Job Placement Specialists
  • Continual Job Placement
  • Job Lists Updated weekly
  • Pre-hire Applications
  • On-site Recruiting
  • Job Fairs
  • 100% tuition reimbursement

Read below about success stories in the trucking industry. People like you, who, with a little initiative, have turned their CDL into major trucking companies turning over millions of dollars a year.

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